Recommended Local Providers and Peer Support Resources

We know that First Responders experience numerous challenges related to their workplace experiences. We have compiled a list of local providers in the Coeur d’Alene area who work with local First Responders and their families to help address issues such as PTSD/trauma, substance abuse, depression, family support, marriage and relationship issues, and physical wellness. We have also provided links to telephone, email, and online peer resources for those who prefer that type and level of connection. Financial assistance or full coverage may be provided for co-pays and to bridge gaps in insurance. Confidentiality is a primary focus. We don’t need to know who you are or what your issue is to provide you with assistance. Please let us know if you have had a good experience with any additional local providers as we would love to grow this list.

Supporting Local Children

The Hospital Toy drive began in 2015 after a member of our department spent the holiday season with his infant son at Sacred Heart. While there, they received a small gift. He was so touched by that gift that he decided to start a toy drive to ensure every family could enjoy that small happiness during their stay. The drive has grown significantly over the years with help from community partners such as Les Schwab, Walmart, and the Idaho Forest Group, and the many members of our community who donate toys and funds each holiday season. Our toy drive now provides toys/gifts for Kootenai Health and Sacred Heart's Children's Hospitals to distribute year-round and not just during the holiday season.
We also fund our department’s local Holidays and Heroes event which pairs local law enforcement with less fortunate area children for a day of holiday shopping and fun. 
Browse our image galleries below to see these wonderful programs in action.

Donate to our Children's Programs
We work in coordination with the Red and Blue Foundation to provide financial support to local First Responders who experience unforeseen financial losses, serious illnesses and injuries, and other hardships. We know that asking for help can be exceptionally difficult for our First Responders. With that in mind, we will work with you through a confidential, easy, and respectful process. If you have a need, please send us a message or contact one of our board members. You can have a trusted peer or co-worked do this on your behalf as well. Any suggestions regarding this process are welcome. We want to make sure we are available, accessible, and useful as we work towards our mission of supporting our local First Responders. Note that larger type losses and hardships may be covered by the Red and Blue Foundation and we can help you coordinate that assistance. 

Support for First Responders